Our church is: Baptist, Elder-led, Deacon-served, & Congregationally affirmed
Northside Baptist Church, Brunswick, GA is a family of sinners who have been redeemed by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We exist to glorify God by making gospel-centered disciples among all people. We are committed to be Christ-exalting and Word-centered as a body of believers.
Our adopted confession of faith is the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, which can be found here: https://bfm.sbc.net/bfm2000/
Our Team
Lead Pastor
Bo Hutchens
Bo Hutchens serves as Lead Pastor of Northside Baptist Church. He met his amazing wife Trudy while they were both undergraduate students at Florida State University. They have seven children: Ryker, Tinsley, Harper, Marcy, Fowler, Wiley and Esther. The Lord called him into ministry as a pastor after a twelve-year career in military recreation. He is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity in Christian Leadership & Church Ministries from Liberty University.
Pastor Bo’s greatest desire is to see people experience and believe in God’s goodness through the gospel. His vision for the church is to be a gospel-focused body of believers that loves their community. He is committed to serving his Savior through Biblical-expository preaching, making disciples of Jesus, equipping believers to serve, and growing in personal faith.
Skip Wells – Pastor, Congregational Care & Leadership Development
Chris Oglesby – Pastor, Discipleship & Family Ministries
Charlie Stephens – Lay Pastor/Elder
Sid Carter – Song Leader
Judy Rowell – Administrative Assistant & Church Secretary
Laura Oglesby – Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Kathy Price- Church Pianist
Our Core Values
Biblical Authority
We are ruled by the living Word of God. We believe the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts. It was written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. God’s Word is trustworthy and sufficient and is the basis for everything we do and believe. Where God speaks, we listen and obey.
Intentional Worship
In the Gospel of John, Jesus declared that, “the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). At Northside, we desire to be true worshippers of God. This means our worship must be fueled by the Holy Spirit and guided by truth. We give God the honor He is due, both corporately and privately. We are fully engaged in worshipping God through prayer, scripture, meditation, and singing throughout the week.
Committed Relationships
We were designed for relationship. With God, His people and within our own families. The Bible describes the church as a family (1 John 3:1). We depend on one another, love one another, support one another, and encourage one another. At Northside, we value real, genuine relationships centered around Jesus. We cultivate these in small groups and Sunday gatherings.
Strategically Sent
As our Lord commanded us before He ascended into Heaven, we are to go forth and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). And, when the message of the gospel takes root in a place, it grows. It creates fruit which creates more fruit which creates even more fruit, and so on (John 15:1-2). At Northside, we want to be a church that bears fruit that means that wherever we go weather local or international, whatever we do, our willingness to go for the Gospel will be ever growing.
Building Families
God’s Word provides the pattern for His people to follow in gender, marriage, singleness, and family life (Genesis 1:26-28, 2:15-25, Ephesians 5:22-6:4). As a church, we support parents/care providers in raising their children to know, love, and serve Christ. Additionally, we care and support for those individuals who have experienced brokenness in their family. We do this by teaching the Bible and supporting each other in following its’ commands and principles.
Sacrificial Service
Jesus washed the feet of His disciples (John 13:4). We are to follow his example in providing humble, sacrificial service to others. Just as he served the poor, healed the sick, and brought hope to the broken, we are to follow in his footsteps. We are not only meant to love and serve one another within the Body of Christ, but everyone in our community and beyond. We are to serve others with our gifts, our time, and our resources.
Devoted Prayer
Because we know that God is Sovereign and He alone brings the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6), we want to be a people who are totally dependent upon God. This means trusting Him enough to seek Him in prayer and then trusting Him even more to answer us. It means considering prayer just as important as action. It means developing a deeper connection with God through prayer. At all times we are a church who recognizes that the Lord is our only hope.
Radical Generosity
Jesus taught His disciples that “from everyone who has been given much, much will be required” (Luke 12:48). At Northside, we know that God has blessed us tremendously. From our salvation to our freedom to our material blessings, the list goes on. There is no doubt that much has been given to us. As a result, we live lives of gratitude and generosity. This means giving away our time, our skills, and our finances for the sake of the gospel. We recognize—both as a church and as individuals—that these things are not ours, so we’re going to leverage them for the Kingdom of God.
Our Partnerships
Southern Baptist Convention, we voluntarily unite with other like-minded churches through the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), for Gospel mission & doctrine. https://www.sbc.net/about/
Golden Isles Baptist Network, we voluntarily unite with local churches for encouragement, discipleship, and service opportunities for the Gospel. https://gibn.org/
We believe that all life is a gift from God. Through this partnership, we desire to love and provide support to those who are experiencing difficult circumstances related to pregnancy and help them choose life.